In-field activities
Umicore and Fraunhofer
23th May 2024

The visit starts at 9 am. You will meet at the following address:
Umicore AG & Co. KG, Rodenbacher Chaussee 4, 63457 Hanau
After visiting Umicore, you will have lunch in the canteen on site. You then walk a short distance to the Fraunhofer Institute. The visit ends at around 5 pm.
To apply for this in-field activity or for more information, please send an email to: julija.bonai@fkkt.uni-lj.si
At the Umicore industrial site, students have the opportunity to gain insights into specific aspects of the practical implementation of the circular economy:
– Battery dismantling process of end-of-life EV batteries, preparation for further treatment in Umicore’s pyro-hydro-metallurgical recycling process in Belgium and battery assessment routines to decide on path forward in terms of R-strategies ;
– Chemical catalysts and intermediates based on precious metals and their circular treatment on site ;
– Fuel Cell catalyst development as a complementary activity to batteries.
Students will also learn about Umicore’s circular business model as a driver for sustainable and circular business activities and how this can even serve as a competitive advantage.
Circular Material s. r. l.
Rettore (Mezzavia) – Padova
1 st December 2023

Circular Material is committed to prevent the release of valuable resources into the environment by providing innovative and sustainable processes and technologies for the recovery of metals and critical raw materials dissolved in industrial wastewater.
Following this aim they make a fundamental contribution to the European Green Deal and UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The participants of the Summer School 2023 in Padova will have the opportunity to visit the company and familiarise themselves with its processes.
The schedule is as follows:
09.00 Arrival
09.15-10.30 Presentation of the company
10.30-12.30 Demonstration of wastewater processing (laboratory analysis IN, DEMO of plant operation, laboratory analysis OUT)
12.30-13.00 Questions and answers and end of the event
To apply for this in-field activity or for more information, please fill out the contact form.
Swisspearl Slovenija d.o.o. (Eternit)
14th July 2023

The main objective of the activity is to provide an overview of the company establishment and its operations, including its transition from asbestos production to non-asbestos production in 1996 and its current focus on the research, development, and production of fibre cement as a sustainable material for designers. Additionally, the activity will feature a presentation of the company’s water treatment plant and its role in protecting the Soča River and the Soča Valley, which is a leading outdoor destination in Slovenia.
We will meet at the company at 12:30. After the introductory presentation of the company in the meeting room, we will visit the production facility and learn about their responsible water treatment, that is, their purification systems set up to ensure compliance with environmental regulations.
Krakow District Heating Company
21st June 2023
Thermal Waste Treatment Plant
September 2023

The students will have the opportunity to visit the Thermal Waste Treatment Plant in Krakow, also known as the Eco-incinerator, which was constructed as part of the Waste Management Program in Krakow. The Eco-incinerator is a state-of-the-art installation that meets the highest standards of environmental protection and uses the Best Available Techniques (BAT) to guarantee environmental safety.
The Eco-incinerator in Krakow offers educational activities as part of an educational pathway that aims to increase the ecological awareness of residents. It covers key elements of the system, including the delivery and processing of waste, thermal conversion, flue gas scrubbing, electricity and heat production, and residue management.
During the in-field activity following content is going to be discussed: quality, safety, environmental and circular economy policies, eco-innovation and industrial symbiosis agendas. To conclude, the practical approach to circularity and industrial symbiosis will be disclosed.