Main objectives
The aim of the hackathon is to give participants the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned in theory and to work on innovative circular solutions based on the challenges faced by existing companies.
It will focus on three main topics:
1/ Electronic Waste:
Studies found that annually, every person generates around 7 kg of e-waste resulting, over the recent years, in the generation of around 50 million metric tons of e-waste worldwide. Being aware that we are heading into a future that will be increasingly based on technological devices underlines the need to start thinking of new circular approaches for the management of e-waste.
Industrial partner:

The detailed description of the challenges proposed by Umicore can be found here.
2/ Sustainable Food Systems:
Modern food systems have to deal with various challenges such as food management and security, sustainable agricultural techniques, food waste generation and many more. Facing those planetary criticisms with innovative circular solutions could lead to a substantial reduction of damages both on the environment and the human ecosystem.
Industrial partner:

The detailed description of the challenges proposed by Barilla can be found here.
3/ Circular Textiles and Fashion:
Textile and Fashion Industry accounts for around 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions resulting in a major contributor to climate change, in fact the EU has defined this sector as the fourth most environmentally sensitive consumption category. Nowadays, copious initiatives are trying to deal with this huge impact, however more circular ideas are needed to make a clear substantial change.
Industrial partner:

The detailed description of the challenges proposed by Albini can be found here.
The Hackathon is open only to Circular Summer School participants and Master’s Students cannot be enrolled
Candidates can apply in teams of at least 2 (two) to a maximum of 6 (six) people or individually.
If you are applying with an already formed team, each member must also participate in the Circular Summer School.
You can apply for the Summer School and Hackathon on the following page.
For more information, please read the Hackathon Rule Book.